Our Services

ManPower Yellow Line


We Specialize in Providing Trained Fire Marshall’s to Keep Watch on any Fire Incident taking place & in case the Fire takes places he is well equipped to control & carryout the emergency evacuation procedure in the event of fire.
Fire Retardant Coating

Fire Retardant Coating

Fire retardant coatings (or spray) are non-combustable chemicals applied in residential, commercial, industrial buildings & temporary Structures •Stop the spread of a fire •Slow the spread of a fire •Reduce a fire’s intensity •Reduce the smoke a fire produces
Safety Product Supply

Safety Product

Having the right fire safety equipment can make a life- saving difference: Fire Extinguishers: Your First Line of Defense : Learn how to use fire extinguishers effectively for small fires. Smoke Alarms: Early Detection Saves Lives: Install smoke alarms in...